Rapid PSP Emulator for PSP Games | Game 4ndroid

Rapid PSP emulator

Download Rapid PSP Emulator for PSP Games APK Install
Latest Rapid PSP Emulator for PSP Games - Emulate any homebrew ROMs and download PSP games from UMD. All emulated games use your smartphone the same way as console with game controller. Enjoy the lord of war gameplay, Rapid PSP Emulator gives you ability for maximum quality of gaming, enjoying homebrew apps and great PSP games.

Rapid PSP Emulator advantages:

- Ability to emulate thousands PSP games
- Fast and smooth gameplay emulation
- Large fps even in any powerful PSP game
- PSS, PSV, PPS and POP settings performance emulated
- ISO, CSO and ROM formats emulated
- Support for separate game controller
- Support for PSP homebrew
- Good performance on both high-end and low-end devices (as PS4 games load)
- Perfect sound effects ufc game

Also it is necessary to note:

- Rapid PSP Emulator support none of PS1 games, PS2 games, PS3 games or PS4 games.
- Rapid PSP Emulator doesn't contain any PSP ROM, PSP ISO or PSP CSO directly , you need to download PSP games manually from your console (please, check our detailed emulation FAQ).

- You may connect separate game controller (for example, PS4 games one or PS3 games one), or use default smartphone or tablet touch countrols emulation.
- You may freely download PSP homebrew because this is community contribution. Become lord of war and play ufc game easily.

Each persona who loves smartphone gaming will definitely feel great experience playing console games on smartphone, you will be able to become amazing god of war, feel speed in any racing games. Addition of PSS, PSV, PPS and POP performance settings makes huge improvements!

This emulation project is created and supported only by fans. Rapid PSP Emulator is based on various open source developments, including free graphics linux-origin emulated libraries. We improved various stuff including god of war and others. This most important idea is being open, so all sources used in order to emulate any PSP game are free and available on public. We also glad to team-up with talented program.

What's New
- Improved performance in great games
- Over than 10.000 PSP games are perfectly supported
- Amazing game speed and improved audio quality

Download: Rapid PSP Emulator for PSP Games 4.0 APK
Compatible with Android 2.3+
Size: 26.7 MB
Developer: Capital Apps Development

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