MoaAB: Mother of All AD-BLOCKING > BLOCKS ADware Malware Spyware Bloatware Ransomware

MoaAB: Mother of All AD-BLOCKING > BLOCKS ADware Malware Spyware Bloatware Ransomware - 'THE' Perfect AD & Malware Blocker. Dont wait any longer and start your quest in an AD free, Safer & Secure Experience. Start using MoaAB. DOWNLOAD Right Now. The Purpose of this Project is to make Device CLEANER, FASTER, SMOOTHER & FRIENDLY.

My ADBlocking MOD realizes that advertising and revenue is important to OEM/App Developers and this is how they earn money, BUT too much Advertisements are instrusion to privacy (I am also an App Developer but I Really Dont Like ADs). Advertisements are not automatically blocked but users have the choice whether to block or not block by manually Fashing my ADBlocking CWM MOD.
■ This MOD will Save you CPU Processing used in Advertisement Contents, In-App Ads, Hidden App Call-Back Home Routines, Malware/Spyware Sites, In-App User Data Collection, Definitely... Stupid Garbage from Internet and Precious Bandwidth resulting Extended Battery Life and Money Saved in Internet bills. THINK ABOUT IT.

The 'hosts' file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names and loaded into memory (cache) at startup. Android OS checks the 'hosts' file before it queries any DNS servers, which enables it to override addresses in the DNS. This prevents access to the listed sites by redirecting any connection attempts back to the localhost (, which is a loopback and traffic is dropped instantly (saving your millions of money used by network traffic 2G/3G/4G). Another feature of the 'hosts' file is its ability to block other applications (bogus applications) from connecting to the Internet, providing the entry exists.

'hosts' file is used to BLOCK ADs, BLOCK Banners, BLOCK 3rd Party Cookies, BLOCK 3rd Party Page Counters, BLOCK Web Bugs, BLOCK Web Hijackers, BLOCK Phishing Sites, BLOCK Malwares, BLOCK Spywares, BLOCK Trackers, BLOCK Unauthorized Application connections to web and BLOCK other Malicious activities...

NOTE : This is not 100% Protection but atleast it takes care of ALMOST ALL OF THE SECURITY ISSUES FACING FROM THE BAD SITES.
For full Security, Use Antivirus or Security Suite from Android Market.

>>> Compatibility <<<< 
ANDROID FAMILY: 4.x, 5.1.x, 6.x, 7.x (5.0.x not supported, android memory leaks) DEVICE FAMILY: Anything which has 1 GB of RAM and atleast 1.2GHz CPU minimum. This MOD requires some amount of RAM (4MB - 8MB) and CPU for effective functionality. "Anything below the compatibility specs" might be working But wll be Slow and Laggy
WiFi/Mobile: Please disable PROXY to use this 'MOD' else no blocking will happen.
 >>> How to install <<<
 Just Copy Paste the 'hosts' file in /system/etc or Import it in some ADBlock App locally or Import in NetGuard. Thats It. ENJOY
 >>> What is BLOCKED?
In-App/Web ADs, In-App/Web Trackers, Malware/Spyware Domains, Tracker Cookies, Malicious Call-Back Home App Functions, Malicious 3rd Party Redirection Functions and Possibly Some Level of Virus/Trojan Protection and More...

IMPORTANT NOTE to USERS This is not an APP but A Single file (MASSIVE ), So my packages is not altering any system functions, automating tasks, requiring frequent user interactions or installing/uninstalling system events. This package is not doing anything malicious but just sitting there and speaking/directing where to go or not... thats it. I hope All is Clear Please do not complain of bootloops, softbricks or hardbricks, i am not responsible

IMPORTANT NOTE to APP DEVELOPERS & AD OWNERS This is not an Interception App or Reverse Engineering Code BUT an Android Standard defined for user configuration. I am trying to make my Device (which i own in terms of Hardware/Software which i Paid for) much CLEANER, FASTER, SMOOTHER & FRIENDLY for general use . My program will not alter any of the installed App/s or inject any interception code in your App/s . All Request/s and Response/s are handled by OS (Android) layer. In no way to want to hurt the Developer BUT my priority is CLEAN DEVICE.

CAUTION : This 'hosts' file will possible block harmful effects, active and passive intrusion of potential sites or apps but using this also/might block regular site and/or apps. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED and USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

I take no responsibility of any losses and damages to your Hardware or your Software component/s caused by this piece of code. You have been given the choice of NOT FLASHING or TO FLASH the ADBlocking CWM and yourself choosen the way to stop the ADs. This MOD might also block regular domains because of the extreme blocking nature. You will also be protected from Malware/Spyware/Bloatware but limited to the extent of updates. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED HAPPY AD-BLOCKING

NEW RULE for MoaAB Usage and Sharing:
1. All permissions for shared work is NOW REVOKED except for ROM Developers. Please Re-request.
2. No user is allowed to MIRROR or MAKE a COPY of MoaAB. Request for Permission before making any.
3. Please Do Not FILL my thread Asking for LAST OLD NEW or FUTURE releases. Its a Free Work in my Busy Time. I dont Mind Helping, I Love to, but TOOOOOO MUCH will discourage my work.
4. Please Search the thread before Asking for Questions. Most of are ALREADY answered and resolved. Self Help is the Best.
5. Please use PM to share your Files, Screenshots and Configurations. Don't Post it onto my thread.
6. Please Help me in Keeping MoaAB thread Visually Clean and Searchable.

DOWNLOADs For Rooted (ROOT) and Non-Rooted (via VPN) Phone/s.

Direct Link for ADBlock Apps: "" super credits to nagpochenpo

Safe & DNS IP for everyones use:


Just add the above entries in your DNS settings.
More information:

How to Know if this MOD is WORKING???
Go here & Follow instructions
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