[UPDATE] APK Editor Studio – Free APK Reverse-Engineering Tool

APK Editor Studio Update

APK Editor Studio is a free open-source APK reverse-engineering tool combining powerful features and the ease of use. It allows you to easily change APK icon, name, images and other Android application resources.

  • Status: Stable
  • Current Stable Version: 1.4.0
  • Created 2019-09-25
  • Last Updated 2020-05-03
  • Supported Platforms: Windows (7 or later), macOS (10.11 or later), Linux
  • Requirements: Java 8 (or later)
  • Source Code: https://github.com/kefir500/apk-editor-studio

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Features APK Editor Studio

  1. Icon Editor to easily change Android app icon.
  2. Title Editor to quickly edit Android app title including translations.
  3. Image Editor with an automatic format cross-conversion to replace Android images.
  4. Code Editor with a syntax highlighting for XML and YAML.
  5. Android Explorer to manage files on your Android device and take screenshots.
  6. Permission Editor to easily add or remove Android permissions.
  7. Manifest Editor including a handy API level selector.
  8. Resource Inspector to smoothly browse through the conveniently grouped resources.
  9. APK Signer to automatically and painlessly sign APK, out of the box.
  10. APK Optimizer aligning the APK for a reduced RAM consumption.
  11. APK Installer to instantly install application on your devices.
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